柯爾托 Alfred Cortot


版主: devilhades

柯爾托 Alfred Cortot

文章Patrick 發表於 週一 5月 27, 2002 11:32 am

標  題:(轉貼)鋼琴家柯爾托
發 表 人:blue97(blue97.tw)
發表時間:2001/10/26 15:31:55


然而,正因為柯爾托這種演奏的不夠精確和任性,蕭邦那些讓人難以捉摸的作品的內涵才得以真正地體現。猶如燈塔的光芒刺穿四周的陰暗,柯爾托的演奏明亮生動,足以讓他手指間不經意的錯誤變得微不足道,也讓那些樂評家的指責和抱怨看起來變得如此武斷而無理。他這種有失精確的演奏錯誤,就像耀眼太陽上的小小斑點,引用他得意門生Yvonne Lefebure的話:“他指間的錯誤正如上帝所犯的錯誤。”

我是聽著柯爾托手中的蕭邦長大的,但許多年來我一直為無法聽到更多柯爾托彈奏的蕭邦作品而感到遺憾。我是多麼渴望聽到柯爾托手中表現出的敏捷、活潑還有如歌的旋律。然而幸運的是,許多唱片公司對原先許多珍貴的錄音進行了再版,其中有Pearl,Biddulph,Music and Arts當然還有EMI公司。在這個EMI公司出版的6CD套裝中,收錄了柯爾托彈奏的眾多蕭邦作品,並且有些曲目還有不同的版本,可謂琳琅滿目。這次轉錄也非常成功,沒有掩蓋掉藏於音樂深處的輝煌,也沒有去刻意消除早先錄音中留下的噪音。雖然在這6張CD中並沒有包含所有蕭邦的作品,但製作人Guthrie Luke獨具慧眼,在選擇這些錄音的時候充分考慮了錄音的權威與代表性,對一些重要的作品還提供了兩個不同的版本以供品鑒。就比如我吧,對蕭邦的前奏曲,這6張套CD中1942年的錄音是我的偏愛,但我早些時候也聽過EMI公司出版的編號為CDH7 61050-2的一張CD,它
文章: 2259
註冊時間: 週三 12月 06, 2000 5:01 am

文章Patrick 發表於 週一 1月 13, 2003 9:44 am

標  題:柯托在APR的晚年录音出品
發 表 人:阿(wilwaking2002)
發表時間:2002/03/20 20:38:53

ALFRED CORTOT - The late recordings

Volume 1 - 1947: Schumann, Chopin & Debussy

SCHUMANN Kinderszenen
Nocturne No.15 Op.55/1 ? Nocturne No.16 Op.55/2 (published & unpublished versions)
3 Nouvelles études (unpublished) ? Prelude No.25 Op.45 (unpublished)
Polonaise No.7 Op.61 (Polonaise-Fantaisie) (unpublished)
Children¹s Corner ? La cathédrale engloutie

This is the first in an exciting new series devoted to Alfred Cortot¹s post-war recordings. Despite his acclaimed status this is relatively unfamiliar Cortot territory due largely to the relatively short life these recordings had in the catalogue on account of the advent of the LP (compounded by the fact that there have been few subsequent reissues). The attraction of this series is further enhanced by the inclusion of known surviving unpublished items - no less than five sides are included in this volume.

When Cortot returned to the EMI Studios in London in 1947 he found a very different milieu to what had existed previously: there was new management and there were crippling restrictions with regard to such basic essentials as recording waxes and metal to process them. Additionally, Cortot was struggling with great political and personal difficulties, as is revealed in the accompanying annotation. This anthology, devoted to the bulk of the 1947 recordings (an unpublished Franck recording of that year will be included in volume 2) is consequently a telling portrait of Cortot¹s achievements - for all his problems he remained the supreme lyric keyboard poet of his age - and cruel frustrations.

This release is further distinguished by a discography and remarkably fine transfers.

APR 5571
Single CD: Duration 66+ minutes
(Introductory notes in English, French & Germany with discography)
文章: 2259
註冊時間: 週三 12月 06, 2000 5:01 am

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